Wednesday 13 October 2010

Initial Ideas!

Our group consists of Anna Clarey, Heather Ainsworth and Lydia Welsh. Together we have decided to create a music video and a digipak that will also include a magazine advertisement.

We have chosen to do the genre of punk rock and have chosen a band called "The Shame" which we found off which is a creative commons website.

As our chosen band is spanish we are unable to use the real band therefore will have to find actors who will fit the brand image of the music. We also need to find extra actors for some of the scenes in our videos that will appeal to our target audience.

Throughout our video we wish to use a green screen to show a variety of techniques to enable us to work with the genre of the song. We shall also be looking at different props, settings and locations to also fit with the genre.

We have chosen a song called "Beautiful Day" as we think this will fit with out initial idea of having a food fight. Our video will also include shots of a live performance as this matches our chosen genre.

This is a URL to our chosen track Beautiful Day:

Heather and Lydia

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