Sunday 17 October 2010

Conventions of music videos particularlly of the rock pop genre

We have choosen to make a rock/punk/pop genre music video but to make a decent video we first need to find the conventions of other music videos of our genre. Music videos are made up of narrative and preformance elements. Andrew goodwin came up with several conventions that typified music videos:

1. There music ba a relationship betweeen lyrics, music and visuals
2. Each music genre has it's own style/iconography
3. Close-ups of artists/instruments
4. The brand imgae should come through
5. Voyueristic shots
6. References of intertextuality

We see most of these things in the video I have chosen to analyse.

I have chosen this video because the song we have chosen is of the same genre of this song.

Jimmy Eat World - The Middle

The general jist of this video is - A boy goes to a party but he is different becuase he hasn't come in his underwear and then he finds a girl in the same situation and they leave happy and not embrarassed of give into peer pressure - amongst all this there are shots of live preformance by the band.

This video is a prime example of a rock/pop video with it's close ups of instruments and live preformance, set at a house party - with alchol, lude acts, teenagers/young people as main characters (target adience) and a moral tied into the narrative. There is a distinct relationship between the lyrics and music and the visuals we see. They do this using cuts intime with the beat of the music and the lyrics matching the storyline e.g. 'everything will be alright' in the end he leaves with girl and is better off and doesn't care what they think. Still following Andrew Goodwin's theory there are also voyueristic shots of the girl geting out of the car at the begging and many of the people inside - As for intertextuality the video shows many charateristics of almost every teen movie. The protagonists are individual/teens trying to fit in and the setting is a house party in a adverage American home and there are comedy references with showing half naked fat old men and the shots of him on his own sat inbetween two lovey dovey couples.


- Hero - Blonde outcast boy the target audience relates too
- Princess - Too fit in
- Villian - Peer pressure

Equilibrium - He arrives at the party

Disruption - he has clothes on and is the odd one out

Re-Equilibrium - He doesn't give in to peer pressure, gets the girl is happy and no longer alone

Levi Strauss
Binary Oppositions - Peer pressure Vs. Originality

Barthes Theory
Enigma - Will he strip and fit in?
Resolution - He doen't give in too peer pressure but finds a friend

Representation and Ideology
In this video people conform to stereotypes and hegemony such as young people being reckless, breaking the law and lude and boys and girls being together - also that everyone cool is beefed up and pretty - The only time in this video we see a fat person is for comic effect. This text conforms to dominant ideologies but in ways its contridicting them because they say it's wrong when they leave and don't take they're clothes off.

The Male Gaze (Mulvey,1975)- There are voyueristic shots of many of the half naked girls in this video.

The Female Gaze - there is an absence of voyuerisic shots of men although they are present and naked i belive this is bacuse this is a boy band and the protagonisy is male.

Tokenism - there is an absence of ethnic minorities and gay people

Repertoire of elements
Institution - Brand image - what the band wear and how they act this leads ttoo the text - which is about standing out which is what the band image is.

Text - The song is about being individual and not buckling to peer pressure and it has young people/teenagers in which is who the target audience is.

Audience - Teens/Young People who have too deal with peer pressure and many of the issues and stress raised in the video every day and buy the records for inspiration and to unwind.

which supplies the indtitution with money to make more music...

By Lydia Welsh

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