Wednesday 27 October 2010

Audience questionnaire reflection!!!

As we decided to split the reflection of the audience questionnaire I will be evaluating the first 3 questions which identify's our target audience.

The first question asks the audience about their age, it was important that we found a target age group as the rest of our products will be made to fit this group. From the results we can see that the majority of people involved in the questionnaire were in the age group of 16-24. This age group fits into the target audience for the genre in which we originally chose therefore this is the target age group in which we plan to aim our music video and ancillary task at.

The second question asks which ethnic group the audience belong to.

From the results we can see that around 75% of the audience are of a white British race. It was vital to find a race suitable to our chosen genre of rock/pop. This shows that most of the target audience would be best suited to the genre of music and therefore would be the easiest to aim the products at.

The third question asks the participant about their sex.
We decided to try and split the gender equally as our genre of music and the band will appeal to both sexes. This will allow us to be more experimental such as using both male and female gaze in order to appeal to both genders.

By Heather Ainsworth

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