Monday 25 October 2010

Audience Feedback: Final Section

To identify with our target audience we produced a questionnaire to gather some data. There were ten questions, roughly split into three sections; one based on the target audience according to GRASS, one on the audience’s personal preferences in music, and the third on what the audience wants and needs out of a music video.  I have been given the last four questions to reflect on, which falls under ‘audience needs’.

The first question from this ‘section’ was ‘Would you buy the single?’ The results of this are in the graph below.

These results better reflect audience preference than their needs; there is a fairly even split here, showing just under half of the people questioned would be interested in buying the single; the fact that some people said no shows their own individual tastes, whilst some people were undecided. This might suggest that this group need something to be persuaded and a music video may be what the single needs to push it out further and grab more interest in a music consumer.

The second question was. ‘Which of these artists do you think are similar to The Shame?’ The results are in the graph below.

The first three options were very similar but essentially, represented three different areas of the rock genre. The fourth option was Beyonce which stood apart from the others because she is more likely to be classed under the Pop or R’n’B genre. The fact that all the people asked associated The Shame with the first three options shows they easily understand the genre of the music, and therefore have already built an assumption in their minds of what the band should be like. This means that when we come to produce our music video, we must fulfil expectations of the audience, they want to see conventions in The Shame video which can also be found in the videos of the other three bands listed, because they believe them to all be similar on some level.

The third question in this section involved watching four music videos, links to all four can be found below, with the results to the question.

The majority of our audience preferred the three videos which again, represent three different parts of the rock genre. This furthers the idea that the audience expect and enjoy the conventions which they are comfortable with. During the pre-production of our video we must therefore think about certain shots, angles and props which we can use to associate our artist with the appropriate genre. This will ensure that when the audience come to see our product, they will enjoy it and feel comfortable in the role it fulfils because it will match their expectations.

The final question on the questionnaire allowed the volunteer to tick more than one box in order to find the things in a music video they value the most. The results are below.

From these results we see there is a lean towards aspects which involve the artist, whether it is just the fact that they are shown singing in the video, or if they are actually part of the narrative. The actual story in the video wasn’t as important to the audience but still made an impact. This suggests that when we make our video, in order to appeal to the target audience we must involve the band members to build that connection between the artist and the consumer. By putting the band members into a plot, and making them perform throughout the video, we will also be creating a bit of a brand image, demonstrating the kind of attitudes the band have through their videos, which will hopefully please the audience and match audience expectations.

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