Wednesday 27 October 2010

Target Audience!!

To identify out target audience we can use media theories such as Young and Rubicams cross-cultural consumer characteristics in phychographic profiling and demographic profiling.

Demographic profiling: GRASS

Demographic profiling involves grouping the audience into smaller groups based on variables including age, gender, geographical area, class, economics etc. This method groups people according to their lifestyles.

I will use this method to identify our target audience:

Gender: Females/males
Race: Caucasian
Age: 16-24
Socio-economic Status: C1- E : Lower middle class, Skilled working class, Lower working class and Subsidence eg students/unemployed.

Our target audience is primarily aimed at males as this group were the most popular out of the sexes on our audience questionnaire however we will also have a great focus on having a female audience aswell as the band are males and can be used for female gaze therefore will appeal more to a female audience, however as the genre of music is indie/pop/rock this will appeal to both males and females, as the artist is a band rather than a solo artist this will also appeal to males as bands generally consist of more males than females therefore males will look to the band for inspiration.
People who are of Caucasian race will be more attracted to the band as the band are of the same race and have produced music that fits with this race.
The age of the target audience is between 16-24 as indie music is a relatively new genre that appeals more to this age group/generation, also as the band are in their early 20's they are more likely to appeal to an audience around their age. Members in this age group are also at a similar stage in life therefore will have similar interests/wants.
Our target audience will generally fall into the socio-economic status groups of C1-E as the target audience at this age will usually be either students, unemployed or will fall into a job for a lower middle/working class.

Psychographic Profiling: Young and Rubicam

Young and Rubicam Cross-cultural Consumer Characteristics characterises people in terms of their personal aspirations. There are four categories of audience, these are:


Our target audience fall into the categories of Mainstreamers- as this is the largest section of the market and will tend to buy well known brand names therefore if this band were to become successful they would appeal to this group and Aspirers- these people are motivated by status therefore again if the band were to become successful people in this group may look up to them as role models and for inspiration.

The target audience can be categorised further through the lifestyle groupings, the groups that out target audience fall into are:
NINJA- no income, no job or assets
OINKY- one income, no kids yet
SNERT- snot-nosed egostical rude teenage

Heather Ainsworth

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