Friday 17 December 2010

Ancillary task- Finished Poster!!!

Here is our finished magazine advertisement, we have incorporated three images of each of the band members to introduce each member and the band as a whole. The bands name and album release date is located in a yellow banner approximately 2/3 of the way down the poster which hopefully stand out to our target audience. The brand image can be seen throughout the advertisement particularly in the images and the body language/facial expressions within them. Furthermore advertisements can be seen at the bottom of the poster to keep with the conventions of a magazine advertisement.

Thursday 16 December 2010

School picture!!

At the end of our music video our initial idea was to have a group photo of the band members in their boiler suits after the food fight, however due to certain circumstances we were unable to get the photo of them in their boiler suits so i have still created a school photo of them using the same background that will be used for our green screen background, however i have had to use an image of them without the boiler suits on yet they still are covered in food to show they have had a food fight.

Wednesday 15 December 2010


Here is our finished digipak!! We have changed the font on the front and back cover to fit more with our brand image, the track listing has also been moved from the back of Dans head which originally was the inner panel, to the back panel to fit with the contemporary design of digipak/ c.d. more tracks have also been added as our first draft only contained a few tracks. The font colour on the back panel has also been changed to yellow to fit with the colour scheme and will hopefully stand out which will catch the eyes of our target audience. Our final adjustment has been added information (copyright etc) which can be seen in the footer of the back panel as only a little information was added in our first draft.

Monday 13 December 2010

Production Update!!

Today (13/12/10) we are filming the remainder of our music video which will consist of some of the band performance, mainly shots of the drums. We are also continuing with our editing of the music video as our deadline is fast approaching. I will also be editing a still shot of the gang to feature at the end of the video which shows them as the class of 2010.

Saturday 11 December 2010

Name Change.

Looking at the digipak and the magazine cover mock ups has let us see that the name of the band is rather boring and uncoordinated. whilst thinking of other suitable names we thought back to the first song we chose and have decided to use the name of the previous band we researched because it flows better and fits in with what we want to do with the graphics. So we shall call our band The Shame.


After putting together the photographs we decided that editing the colours in behind them looked rather amateur but we wanted some colour so we decided to pick out the colour yellow from the underpants of the drummer on the Digipak and have used that for select squares on a grid of the pictures which are mainly plain in background now. 

These are the unedited photographs we will used for our magazine advert - we shall be cropping and blank out the blemishes in the back drop but we wont be editing them that much because we are quite happy with the lighting and clarity of the photos. We shall also pick one photograph of each member to change the background to yellow to add colour to the ad -this will draw the eye and add a feeling of fun and happiness to the photo because it is a bright colour and the band's brand image is about having fun. 

Friday 10 December 2010

Magazine Pictures!!!

Today we've done some further editing for our ancillary tasks and music video.

Here are the edited pictures that will be featured on our magazine advertisement, we will be using 3 images of each of the band members as the design we have chosen contains 9 small images of the band members and also features the band name and album cover. There are different "poses" on each of the images to show the target audience that this band are young, fun, goofy yet the images fit our brand image that can be seen throughout our products. We plan to finish the magazine advertisement in our next lesson allowing us to then put our full attention into editing our music video.

Thursday 9 December 2010

Live Performance

Yesterday afternoon, we stayed in college to film some live performance. Only two of the members could turn up but we aren't in a position to be picky so we had to make do and we'll be filming more live perfomance at some point, so we'll try even things out in editing.

We filmed the members against a white screen which was lit seperately from the boys themselves, in order to get a brighter background and better overall image. Most of the footage involves close ups of the guitar which will be incorporated into the video through a series of jump cuts, between live performance and the video itself. As well as this we had close ups of Dan singing, all of this will be lip-synced and hopefully be up to scratch for the deadline.

Monday 6 December 2010


These last two weeks have crept up on us incredibly fast and a heck of a lot needs to be refined for our final submission of work. This isn't an excuse of course, it's been the same for everyone, but it certainly hasn't been a breeze!!

This week we've been working more on the ancillary task, working on fonts and editing picture which will eventually make the magazine advert. We still have some footage left to film which is the biggest issue, because we have all six of us to think of when scheduling times, places and things to film, we're struggling to fit it into our time limit a little.

Naturally, we're doing our best and hope to get all of this sorted and edited by the holidays. Tomorrow we have a media lesson in college, so we'll be working on the digipak, making the changes that we need to make it better. We'll also be planning out another filming session in order to start editing our video as soon as possible.

Thursday 2 December 2010

Poster Mock-Ups (3)

Mock Up 3: this concept is the one closest to my original. We have a much more obvious patchwork of photos which is more interesting and motivating visually. Though the gap at the bottom is smaller and doesn't have as much room for details as the first mock-up, there is still enough room for everything needed, and it can all be arranged so that nothing looks squashed. The point of this being there's more space for pictures of the band, this creates a link with the viewer because they are getting picture evidence of the product in front of them, and a clearer image of what they'd be buying into.

Poster Mock-Ups (2)

Mock Up 2: This poster incorporates more images of the band members to create more space for them to be seen, in reality these images wouldn't be repeated, we'd use new images with shades corresponding to the other photos of that member. For example, Jordan's photos would have different shades of purple in the background, while Dan would have shades of pink, and Matt shades of green. However, the final and official colours have not been chosen as of yet.

Poster Mock-Ups

I've been working on some mock-ups for my poster idea, they're very simple layouts but will hopefully give us a general idea of which idea we want to persue for definite. 

Mock-Up 1: Sadly this image has been slightly distorted, but nonetheless we can see what's meant to be going on. We have individual photos of each band member, a space for the album cover, and space for the band's logo and realease details. Criticisms of this design are how it look a little sparse, there isn't too much going on, so we'd need to develop it visually.

Wednesday 1 December 2010


We have looked into different styles of fonts as this is extremely important because it is our brand image and logo therefore will need to fit with our current brand image and be memorable and iconic for the target audience. We have chosen these fonts as they are all messy, modern and a bit different which fits with our brand image. We will now try out each of these fonts on the digipak to see which looks the best and the fits most for the purpose.

Digipak Editing

After our first draft of the digipak, we could look at what we'd done and make some criticisms. We're going to change the font of the band's name on the front cover; we'll work on this today, looking on After this we'll look at moving the tracklisting to the back cover, instead of an inside panel.

We want to change the font because the original wasn't very visually attractive, it didn't have a distinct appeal and stand true to the genre and brand image of The Shame. We needed something more bold, and more daring, that in effect acts as a logo. (Similarly to the font Katy Perry has on her albums and The Prodigy.)

Posters and Photoshop

To create a professional look for our ancillary tasks we have had to edit our pictures, firstly we have cut the body of our main man Dan, as the original image had other cast members and an uneven background with shadows. We did this for all of our ancillary task photos to make them consistent throughout the products. For the magazine advertisement we had the idea of having coloured backgrounds to create a patchwork look....

The idea of nine pictures with brightly coloured backgrounds and a banner at the bottom of the poster, was meant to depict a Post-Modern, contemporary aura for the band. The patchwork idea brings colour, and attracts attention; allowing more than one focal point. This means that when someone comes across the poster, they'll stop to look at it because of the eye-drawing colour scheme; leading to them paying attention to the actual topic of the poster: The Shame.