Monday 6 December 2010


These last two weeks have crept up on us incredibly fast and a heck of a lot needs to be refined for our final submission of work. This isn't an excuse of course, it's been the same for everyone, but it certainly hasn't been a breeze!!

This week we've been working more on the ancillary task, working on fonts and editing picture which will eventually make the magazine advert. We still have some footage left to film which is the biggest issue, because we have all six of us to think of when scheduling times, places and things to film, we're struggling to fit it into our time limit a little.

Naturally, we're doing our best and hope to get all of this sorted and edited by the holidays. Tomorrow we have a media lesson in college, so we'll be working on the digipak, making the changes that we need to make it better. We'll also be planning out another filming session in order to start editing our video as soon as possible.

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